Friday, February 5, 2010

37 Weeks!!

Well, I haven't updated this blog for a long time. I wanted to update with Christmas and all of the other holiday stuff but our computer isn't cooperating and I can't post pictures right now and that's not very fun so that will have to wait. But I thought I should update briefly before I have this baby.

I'm 37 weeks now. I'm pretty uncomfortable and very ready. I had a doctor appointment yesterday and I'm 2 cm and 75% effaced. Last week I was 1 cm and 25% effaced so I have made some decent progress. I hope that means I don't have too much longer. The kids are so excited. Everyday Brycen asks me if the baby has come out yet. He is so excited to hold her and show her his toys. Leah always wants to feel the baby kick. She likes to use my belly as a pillow and thinks it's funny when the baby kicks her. We are all so excited to meet the newest member of our family!!