I've been tagged by Kristi. I'm so boring that I had to have Jeff help me come up with 7 interesting things. That's why it's taken me awhile to get this up. So here are 7 random and/or weird facts about me.
1. I absolutely despise talking on the phone. I avoid it at all costs. We have caller ID and I closely screen my calls so I don't have to talk on it more than necessary. Even worse is actually having to make a call. I would much rather email or text. I think it's hereditary because several other family members have "phone phobia" also.
2. I am extremely frugal (so is Jeff so we make a good match). I rarely pay full price for anything. I clip coupons, watch sales and buy clearance. If I'm making an expensive purchase I research it to death to make sure I'm getting the best deal possible. I feel guilty if I have to pay full price. It's actually really fun and rewarding when I go to the grocery store and buy $100 worth of groceries and only pay $25.
3. I love photography, especially taking pictures of my kids. My dream job was to be a photographer at Walmart when I was little. I'm hoping to be able to take a photography class once I no longer have a nursing baby that will let me leave the house for more than an hour or two.
4. I am a safety freak when it comes to my kids. Being a nurse, I always have the worst case scenario in my head and have seen so many things happen to others that could have been prevented, so I do my best to protect my kids. I am especially anal about car safety. I am very particular about how my kids' car seats are installed and used and my family thinks I'm crazy for it (I say the one who does the research makes the rules). I have done countless hours of research on child passenger safety and I have even thought about becoming a child passenger safety technician. "I'd rather be safe than sorry" is my motto.
5. I don't like to drive. I never have and don't think I ever will. I had never even driven on the freeway until I started nursing school and had to to get to school and different hospitals. I think it stems back to me being crazy about car safety.
6. My nickname is Pokey. My brothers gave me this name when we were younger after my mom ordered a huge box of imitation M&M's, called Pokies, from the Relief Society and I ate the whole box by myself before my mom could use them for baking cookies. Yummy!
7. I love candy. I crave it all the time especially when I am pregnant. When I go grocery shopping I have to purposely avoid the candy aisle or I would buy everything in sight. But even though I eat a lot of candy I'm lucky and have healthy teeth. Halloween is a very bad time of year for me. : )
I'm going to have to break the rules and not tag anyone back because I don't really have anyone to tag. Yeah, I'm lame. : )
Thanks for playing along... those were great! I wish I was as savvy as you are when it comes to saving money (I know Kevin would love that too).
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